Pothole Repair: Choosing the Right Pothole Repair Solution

Pothole Repair Solutions

Picking the correct pothole filler is crucial for an effective pothole repair. It needs to be durable and able to withstand various weather conditions, heavy traffic, and frequent use.

Carefully selecting the appropriate pothole filler can significantly improve the longevity of repairs while minimising ongoing maintenance from insufficient pothole patch work.

The Ultimate Pothole Repair Solutions

โ€ข Cold-Applied Pothole Repair Material

A cold-lay substance is applied into the pothole, with each layer being compressed either manually or using a mechanical compactor. This forms a robust new layer that can be exposed to traffic as soon as the task is completed.

A great example of a cold-applied and permanent pothole repair solution is Meonโ€™s PermaFyx L273, which is easy to mix, requires zero compaction and is ready for traffic in just 30 minutes. For quick road repairs, try Meonโ€™s PatchMaster H570. It's easy to use, requires little preparation, and provides instant patch work.

Cold Applied Pothole Repair Solution

โ€ข Hot-Work Repair Material

Hot-work patch material is a strong and long-lasting repair option. It is heated and compressed with machines. When it cools and hardens, it forms a strong bond with the nearby asphalt.

  With the highway industry's shift in focus towards finding more sustainable solutions, many local authorities and contractors are making the switch towards new methods of practice, featuring cold lay asphalt and cold lay tarmac.

Hot Work Pothole Repair

โ€ข Overbanding Tape

Prevent water ingress into completed repairs by using thermoplastic over banding tape. Applied with a simple torch system, it cools quickly and can be reopened to traffic without boilers or hot-work risks.

We suggest opting for Meonโ€™s ThermaBand R171, a product with a superior formula that maintains its flexibility in lower temperatures. It also includes an anti-slip component in the substance, which offers a skid resistance of over 60 SRV.

Overbanding Tape for Potholes

โ€ข Crack Infill

Great for fixing cracks and surface damage, to stop the surface from getting worse and causing more potholes later on. Great for live traffic situations with minimal road closure time.

 Why not give Meonโ€™s UltraCrack L270 a shot? It's an MMA crack repair kit that's a cold plastic product, specifically designed for preventive crack infill and overbanding. MMA products cure fast, ideal for busy roads where closure time needs to be minimised.

Crack Fill for Pothole Prevention

โ€ข  Bitumen Edge Sealing

Bitumen edge sealants seal cracks in bituminous surfaces prior to the repair, to prevent water damage by blocking water entry. Two main types of bitumen edge sealants exist: spray application and hot-applied.

Meon have their own spray bitumen edge sealer called Bituseal. This is a superior-grade aerosol sealant is packed with a large quantity of high-quality aerosol bitumen for enduring results.

Bitumen Edge Sealing Pothole

Safety Measures When Repairing Potholes

  • Always wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), including gloves, long-sleeved shirts, and safety goggles.
  • Mark the work area with signs or cones to warn drivers and pedestrians of possible dangers.
  • Be careful when working near roads. Set up a traffic control zone with barriers or flaggers to protect workers from cars.
  • Keep highway maintenance tools and materials organised and stored safely to prevent tripping hazards and avoid accidental injuries.
  • Prioritise proper lifting techniques when handling heavy equipment or materials to reduce the risk of strain or back injuries.
  • Be mindful of weather conditions, such as wet weather or extreme heat, that can impact the safety of the repair site and adjust work schedules accordingly.
  • Train all highway maintenance workers involved in pothole repair to ensure they know how to keep a safe working environment.


Keep in mind that the UK Department for Transport has redirected ยฃ36 billion, initially intended for the now-abandoned HS2 project, to now assist with road maintenance and battling the UKโ€™s #PotholePandemic for the coming 11 years.

It will be interesting to see how ยฃ6.5 billion of this newfound budget is utilised towards preventive infrastructure maintenance in the future.

Exploring innovative pothole repair techniques provides a valuable insight into addressing this pervasive issue for road users. Embracing new innovative solutions for pothole repair can help the UK Department for Transport effectively tackle these highway hazards.

Check out Meon's collection of pothole repair products, created with the goal of being the most effective choice for you, assuring ease of use and time saved on the job.