Together we can clean up the UK's roads and purge the on-going pothole pandemic!
Is your local area in dire need of a #PotholePurge?
Potholes are a persistent problem that affects communities across the country. Last year the RAC reported 29,377 pothole related breakdowns, a shocking increase of 33% from the year prior.
From damaged vehicles to safety hazards for pedestrians, the impact of potholes is far-reaching. That's why we're launching our #PotholePurge campaign and we need your help.
This year we can provide the people and materials in an ongoing effort to help fix some of your local potholes, free of charge!
Proudly Purging the UK's Potholes with...

Collaborate with Us to Make Lasting Pothole Repairs and Lead the Resistance Against the Pothole Pandemic!
Join us in our mission to combat the UK's pothole pandemic with our #PotholePurge campaign.
We're seeking Term Maintenance Contractors and Highway Engineers to collaborate with on road and pothole repair projects for Local Authorities.
Together, we'll make a lasting impact on road safety and infrastructure quality.

Key Benefits to Partnering with Us
- Exclusive access to the latest innovative pothole and road repair materials
- Make long-lasting repairs to improve road safety and prevent further damage
- Join forces with a team dedicated to solving the UK's pothole problem
- Collaborate with experienced professionals in the industry to deliver effective solutions

Do you have a Pothole Hotspot in your local area? Let us know!
To learn more about how you can get involved in the #PotholePurge campaign, contact us today.
Let's work together to tackle the pothole pandemic and create a safer driving experience for everyone.

Filling Potholes with new innovation...
Meon are committed to delivering great surfaces, every year we partner with a customer to bring light to the ongoing Pothole Pandemic nationwide.
Related Case Studies & Blogs

Fast and Durable Road Repair with Innovative Cold-applied Solution
Ongoing surface deterioration had caused a pothole in close proximity to a gully grate ironwork, which created a risk of damage to road users' vehicles. The road defect required an effective repair solution that was quick and efficient, requiring no compaction or hot works and allowing the road to be re-opened in as short a time as possible.
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Cold-applied Ironwork Reinstatement on one of the UK's Busiest A-ROADS
Meon were invited to provide specialist repair solutions for an ironwork reinstatement, on a failed cover located on the westbound carriage of the A40 near London. On such a busy road, the impact of leaving a defect of this nature causes further deterioration of the surrounding surface, damage to the ironwork, damage to vehicles and further economic impact.
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When it comes to overbanding, this is a contentious subject. Overbanding tape has been used on our road network for years. It has been controversial with many reports of accidents due to skidding and unsightly images of bitumen creeping out from the sides of the repair.
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