The UK’s Ultimate Cold Applied Pothole Repair Solution, for The Ongoing Pothole Pandemic
Why are we seeing so many potholes nationwide?
According to car insurer Admiral, the wet and cold first 3 months of the year make this ‘peak pothole season’ for road users, with more than a third of pothole related breakdowns, bumps and collisions occurring then.
The cold and rain create a ‘thawing effect’ on our roads, water seeps into existing cracks and deterioration, freezes and expands, which leads to surface weakness and further deterioration.

“The repair was carried out quickly at a busy junctionwhere two regional roads intersect within a 40mph urban environment.
The repair has performed very well to date with no visible signs of distress or failure evident at this stage.”
- Senior Executive Engineer
How can we solve the UK'S pothole problem?
Say goodbye to hot works, heavy compaction equipment and lengthy road closures.
Say hello to PermaFyx L273, because repairing potholes and road maintenance has never been easier.
Specially developed to be the ultimate cold lay asphalt repair solution, tried and tested to be effective with battling the most menacing potholes.
Our products are high performance, versatile and created with the goal to be the most effective choice for you, not just from the high quality we strive to provide, but also with ease of use and time you will save on the job.
Our full range of recommended pothole repair solutions...

Temporary & Permanent Cold-Lay pothole repair systems, perfect for areas of high traffic due to the need for compaction to set.

Temporary & Permanent Cold-Lay pothole repair systems, perfect for areas of high traffic due to the need for compaction to set.

A Permanent Asphalt repair system, our toughest pothole repair choice.
No compaction required and easy to work, this repair system is perfect for high traffic & turning areas.

A Permanent Asphalt repair system, our toughest pothole repair choice.
No compaction required and easy to work, this repair system is perfect for high traffic & turning areas.

The Ultimate Cold Lay Surface Joint and Crack Repair System.
Perfect for repairing cracks and surface deterioration, to prevent the further breakdown of the surface that would lead to future potholes.

The Ultimate Cold Lay Surface Joint and Crack Repair System.
Perfect for repairing cracks and surface deterioration, to prevent the further breakdown of the surface that would lead to future potholes.

The smart alternative to bitumen sealing paint. Make those repairs last, with proper surface preparation.
Save time and clean up with our BituSeal Tape and Aerosol spray.

The smart alternative to bitumen sealing paint. Make those repairs last, with proper surface preparation.
Save time and clean up with our BituSeal Tape and Aerosol spray.

Prevent water ingress into completed repairs with our thermoplastic over banding tape.
Quick and easy to apply, no need for boilers and hot works, highway standard compliant anti-slip.

Prevent water ingress into completed repairs with our thermoplastic over banding tape.
Quick and easy to apply, no need for boilers and hot works, highway standard compliant anti-slip.

Is your local area in dire need of a #PotholePurge?
This year we can provide the people and materials in an ongoing effort to help fix some of your local potholes, free of charge!
Do you have a Pothole Hotspot in your local area?
Get in touch for more information!
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Filling Potholes with new innovation...
Meon are committed to delivering great surfaces, every year we partner with a customer to bring light to the ongoing Pothole Pandemic nationwide.
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