Anti-Slip paint is vital in maintaining a safe and practical surface. Over a third of all major injuries reported each year are caused as a result of a slip or trip, which is also the single most common cause of work-related injuries. These cost employers over £512 million a year in lost production and other costs, a large amount of which could be saved by the installation of anti-slip paint.

Anti-slip paint contains a ‘gritty’ texture (achieved either by an additive or chemical enhancement) to increase the friction of a surface. Anti-slip paints can be used in exterior and interior environments, such as walkways, road crossings, sports courts, warehouses, and more. They can come in different forms, such as a clear anti-slip surface coating or an opaque coloured anti-slip paint. You can find out more about some of the different types of exterior anti-slip solutions that Meon has to offer here.
As mentioned above, a lack of sufficient anti-slip surfaces can cost employers over £512 million a year in lost production and other costs due to accidents. Approximately 30,000 people per year sustain what the HSE refers to as an “over 3-day injury” – which are injuries lasting longer than 3 days.
Almost 75% of over 3-day injuries are caused by slips, with 35% of these taking place on wet surfaces – the majority occurring during the wetter months of the year – October to March.
Below is a table demonstrating just how often accidents within the workplace occur:

Information provided by HSE.
Anti-slip paint in an Interior Surface FloorCote X445 with a SRV value of up to 86 in dry conditions .
Anti-Slip paint is vital when working in facilities, as it greatly reduces the risk of accidents occurring due to slipping.
Anti-Slip is just as important in certain publicly accessible areas as it is in facilities and workplaces. One area where it is critical for an effective anti-slip system is cycle lanes. After the tragic death of a motorcyclist, Milan Dokic, last year due to ineffective anti-slip properties of a cycle route, the need for a suitable SRV (slip-resistant value) in cycle lanes has been loudly voiced.
The use of an effective, high SRV anti-slip paint would dramatically reduce the amount of accidents pedestrians, cyclists, and motorists risk having on a daily basis. Due to the amount of traffic the markings would be facing, the paint would also need to be highly durable, so as to not wear down and lose any of its SRV.