Reactive Line Markings
Designed by Studio Roosegaarde, a 500m stretch of road located in the Netherlands has removed its’ streetlights and painted the line markings with a specially formulated glow in the dark paint. The idea is that the paint would ‘charge’ during daylight time, then glow for up to 8 hours straight in the darkness. This would be extremely beneficial as not only would it massively reduce costs on electricity, but would have less of an impact on the environment.
The same company have also got plans for a paint that reacts to changes in outdoor conditions, such as snowflake-like patterns becoming visible only when it reaches 5°C or below.

The Guardian reported a Normandy town in France revealing what they claim to be the World’s first solar-panel road. They are currently testing to see if it will generate enough energy to power the streetlights. If so, this could save not only potential (£)millions but would be a massive step in improving our environment. The road was constructed by Colas, and the panels have been coated in a resin containing fine sheets of silicone, making them durable enough to withstand all means of traffic, including HGVs.