High-Performance Airport Line Marking Solutions Deliver on Efficiency and Durability

During this line marking project, Dyer & Butler's Approved Trainer Sean Gillingham took the opportunity to upskill the local operatives at Mount Pleasant Airport on the safe operation of their fleet of LineLazer V 5900's.

"The project was really enjoyable.
The machines are really easy to use.
Even with 4 seasons worth of weather in a day, the machines stood up well and the paint is fantastic.
- Dyer & Butler
Case Study

Dyer & Butler were recently contracted for the RAF Mount Pleasant line marking refreshing and installation project.
Mount Pleasant is an international airport that accommodates both domestic and military flights.
The aviation line marking project included creating new markings on newly laid asphalt, refreshing the current sections of existing line markings, alpha loop taxiway and helicopter launch pad markings.
Poor-quality airport line markings are less durable and require regular refreshing.
The operators for Dyer & Butler required a specialist line marking paint resistant to harsh aviation environments and variable weather conditions.


The solution was found with TrafficLine X410 โ Our one-pack solvent-based epoxy line marking paint.
Quick drying and extremely resilient, the perfect solution for the long-lasting durability requirements of aviation line marking.
Traffic Line X410 is lower in solvent content than other line marking solutions, such as chlorinated rubber paint, whilst also being very resistant to fuels & oils.
The project was delivered using the LineLazer V 5900 โ A heavy-duty line marking machine, with an intuitive automatic gun system for faster and easier applications.


The successful delivery of this aviation line marking project has resulted in professional and highly durable airport markings for Mount Pleasant RAF Airport.
The new aviation markings are highly resistant to the heavy traffic of domestic and military aircraft, as well as having great resistance to damage from fuel and oil.
Additionally, the new markings benefit from the durability to withstand the dynamic weather conditions found on the Falklands Island.
Dyer & Butler can be confident in the success and durability of the project, celebrating their client's satisfaction.

Completely Cold Applied System Used
TrafficLine X410 | Solvent Based Epoxy Line Marking Paint
Spectrum TrafficLine X410 solvent based epoxy line marking paint can be used for almost all applications.
It is approved for use on airfields, but can also be used for applications such as car parks, distribution centres and docks.
TrafficLine X410 line marking paint is an epoxy based product, which means it is very resistant to fuels and oils. Available in a range of RAL colours.
Graco LineLazer 5 5900 | Line Marking Machine
The Graco LineLazer V 5900 line marking machine continues to be the mid to heavy-duty striping solution for professional contractors who recognise the increased productivity and ease-of-use this reliable super-striper delivers.
-Automatic gun system
-Live Look display with Smart Control
-J-Log on board job information
-Faster and easier paint applications
-EZ Align front wheel system
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